Welcome to the State Commission For Backward Classes ( SCBC )


Jharkhand State Commission for Backward Classes is a permanent body which has been constituted as per provisions of the Jharkhand State Commission for Backward Classes Act 2002.Government of Jharkhand adopted Bihar's State Commission for Backward Classes Act 1993 vide Personnel, Administrative Reform and Rajbhasha Department notification no- 6196 dt. 12.11.2002, which is called Jharkhand State Commission for Backward Classes Act 2002. Under section 3(2) of the act the commission consists of:

1. A Chairperson

2. A Social scientist

3. Two persons from Backward Classes who have special knowledge in matters relating to Backward Classes

4. A Member Secretary, who is or has been an officer of the State Government not below the rank of a Joint Secretary Government of Jharkhand. Under section 4(1) of the act each of the members will hold office for a tenure of three years from the date he/she assumes office.

5. Section 9(1) of the act empowers the Commission to examine inclusion of any class of citizens as a backward class in the lists of backward classes and to hear complaints of over-inclusion or under-inclusion of any backward class in such lists and to tender such advice to the State Government as it deems appropriate

6. According to the section 9(2) the advice of the Commission will ordinarily be binding upon the State Government. As per Section 10 of the Act, the Commission shall, while performing its functions under sub-section (1) of Section 9 have all the powers of a civil court trying a suit

7. Section 11(1) says that the Government may at any time, and shall, at the expiration of ten years from the coming into force of this Act and every succeeding period of ten years thereafter, undertake revision of the lists with a view to excluding from such lists those classes who have ceased to be backward classes or for including in such lists new backward classes

8. Section 11(2) says that the Government shall, while undertaking any revision referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 11, consult the Commission.



Procedure in brief for applying for inclusion/Exclusion of any class of citizens as a backward class in the state list of backward classes. For inclusion of any class in the state list of backward classes, an application mentioning the claim in short along with questionnaire and affidavit of notary public stating therein that information given in the questionnaire are true to his knowledge is required to be submitted in the commission office, E-10, Sector-II, Dhurwa, Ranchi. Application shall be addressed to Member Secretary, SCBC, Jharkhand. All columns of questionnaire must be duly filled up. The application on scrutiny if found correct, it will be registered in the office serially. The applicant and his witnesses will be called for hearing, regarding their claims. The commission if feel necessary, conducts local inspection and survey in districts in which sizeable population of applied particular caste dwell. The commission considering socio economic and educational status representation of applied caste in Govt. services and other relevant evidence/documents will advise the state government

Member Secretary
Sri Krishna Kumar Singh , IAS

Department Contact Information