Achievements of Ministry of Home Affairs

Honouring the freedom fighters Honouringthe people associated with Jharkhand Movement Strengthening of rural policing Police Modernization Scheme. 

Home Department- An Overview

  • State Police, Homeguards & Fire Services, Civil Defence, Jail Inspectorate, Prosecution Directorate, Sainik Kalayan Nideshalaya, Forensic Science Directorate are important wings of the Home Department.

  • Maintenance of law and order through agencies like Police, Homeguards, central Para-Military Forces, RAF etc.

  • Crime control, Police Modernisation, Maintenance of communal harmony, Disaster Management, Passport/Visa formalities to foreign/Indian nationals, Control over Private Security Agencies etc are also some important functions of the department.

  • Supervises Anti Naxal Operations carried out by the State Police and CAPFs; also provides ex-gratia payment and other benefits to NOK of the police personnels and civilians killed in naxal violence.

  • Sainik Kalyan Nideshalaya provides various welfare services to ex-servicemen and their dependents.

  • Provides security cover to VIP/VVIPs as well as important Govt./PSU establishments.


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Hon’ble Minister
Shri Hemant Soren
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Principal Secretary
Smt. Vandana Dadel, IAS

Department Contact Information


Crime is the outcome of a diseased mind and jail must have an environment of hospital for treatment and care-

                                                  Mahatma Gandhi

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Hon’ble Minister
Shri Hemant Soren
No Image
Principal Secretary
Smt. Vandana Dadel, IAS

Department Contact Information


Disaster Management Department has the responsibility of laying down the policies, plans and guidelines for Disaster Management to ensure timely and effective response to disasters. Users can get in touch of the department for earthquake, flood, drought, landslide, chemical disaster, nuclear and radio logical emergencies, biological disaster, etc.

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Hon’ble Minister
Smt. Deepika Pandey Singh
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Shri Rajesh Kumar Sharma, IAS

Department Contact Information